Tuesday, January 15, 2013

There's No Bones About it - Science is fun!

Grade 5s! It's the end of our discussion on the human skeleton. We have been learning the names of different bones in our bodies and have done a lot of activities involving our knowledge and understanding of our bones' purposes. To help you study for our upcoming test, Miss Evers has found a great game that you can play to help you study and prepare for a successful test. Click on the link below and play the game under "Skeleton and Bones."


Once you have played the game enough to know you will get 100% on your test, you can look ahead into our next topic in the study of the human body - the heart (a part of the circulatory system.) Click on the link below to find some interesting facts about the human heart!

In the Grade 5 Science Curriculum document, there is a strand on "Understanding Life Systems: Human Organ Systems."Under this strand, Grade 5 students are expected to "identify major systems in the human body (i.e. musculoskeletal system) and describe their roles" (page 100). We have been looking at the musculoskeletal system and will be moving into the circulatory system (the heart) very shortly. I have provided a link as a study resource for the skeletal system and have provided a link as an introduction to the circulatory system, should your child wish to prepare. 

Mathematics: Let's Shoot, Let's Score!

        Today we had a lot of fun in Health and Physical Education class playing a soccer game. Everyone was so eager to score goals. So, I thought why not incorporate scoring goals in soccer with our math class? We have been learning a lot about fractions lately. Most of us are having to spend some extra time on breaking down fractions into their simplest form. Therefore, Miss Evers has provided you with a link to a game called Simplifying Fractions that you can play from home or in the classroom when you complete other work early.
        If you wish to shoot the soccer ball and attempt to score on the net, all you have to do is answer multiple choice questions on the simplest form of the fraction provided. Good luck and I can't wait to hear about your high scores!


Parents: According to the Ontario curriculum, grade five students must be able to: "demonstrate and explain the concept of equivalent fractions, using concrete materials (e.g. use fraction strips to show that 3/9 is equal to 4/12.)" (page 78) Many of the students are asking for additional assistance when working on equivalent fractions. Therefore, I feel as though this game is a great extra tool for them to use outside of the classroom as well as in their extra time in class to brush up on their skills to solve equivalent fractions. Have fun with your child and encourage some high scores!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Social Studies: Ελλάδα

The title of this blog post will look very different to you. It may even look a little silly! However, Ελλάδα is a word in the Greek language meaning 'Greece'. Yesterday I introduced you to the civilization of Ancient Greece. Throughout this unit, you will be learning about the ancient Greek culture (what they wore, what they ate, what they believed in, what jobs they had, etc.) Below, you will find three different links that may be very helpful to you. Whether you are researching information for a classroom task, wanting to research for your unit project, or simply interested outside of the classroom, these websites will be very informative:

"Ancient Greece": http://www.chiddingstone.kent.sch.uk/homework/greece.html 
On this website, you will find information regarding where the ancient Greeks lived, what they wore, what they ate, and even where they went to school! On the left hand side of this website, under the title 'Interactive Greece', you will find many interactive games and activities to assist you in learning about the ancient culture. Many of the pages on this website can provide you with much of the information I will be introducing to you throughout this unit.

"Ancient Greece for Kids" : http://greece.mrdonn.org 

This website was created by a teacher for students wishing to learn more about the ancient Greek culture. A lot of the pages on this website are dedicated to ancient Greek beliefs and mythology. Explore the interesting beliefs of the Greeks on this website!

"BBC - Ancient Greece": http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/ancient_greeks/the_olympic_games/ 

This link will take you to a BBC website that gives some history on the Olympic Games. I am sure you have watched winter skiing, bobsledding, hockey, or even figure skating during the winter Olympic Games. Here, you will find some information on how these games started! 


In our Social Studies class, we are touching upon the Grade 5 curriculum expectations surrounding the strand of Heritage and Culture: Early Civilizations. These are some resources to help your child with our unit on Ancient Greece. For the culminating activity at the end of the unit, your child will be asked to present on a specific area of interest they have in the Ancient Greek culture. These websites will be a great foundation to some informative research towards their final task. 


Let's Watch it on the Tube!

As Grade 5 students, I know how much you love to watch T.V. I also know how much you love to watch videos on YouTube! So, this year, whenever we are working on a project and you would like to look up some more information on the topic, I have a very fun resource that you can use that combines T.V., YouTube, and our topics of choice in the classroom. It is called "TeacherTube". Click on the link below to find out more about whales, the night sky, or even spiders!



Explore and Discover...

Welcome Grade 5 Students!

Are you ready for a new school year? Throughout this year, I will be posting in this blog to provide you with information that will be very helpful to you for most of our classes. The blog will be full of resources such as links and games to assist you throughout this year. We are going to use a lot of technology across the curriculum and this is the first step to getting more interactive and more involved in technology this year. Don't forget to keep checking back here for new information, links, resources, and fun games!

I will be using this blog as a form of communication to keep you informed and updated on what is happening in the classroom concerning academics. As we progress through the year, I will be posting topics, assignments/tasks to be completed, and resources to assist your child towards success. If you keep checking back, you will find new information posted weekly. I hope you find this a useful tool to stay involved in your child's education! 

Enjoy Grade 5s!

Miss Evers